Club News

Track Closed

All members please note that the track will be closed to all Members from Tuesday 12th March to Saturday 16th March 2019.

The track will be available again for practise 8am Sunday 17th March 2019.

Volunteers Needed

As president of one the best and most successful clubs in Australia I am writing this letter to all members and their families and friends, in a bid for your assistance.

Our club is in desperate need of volunteers to assist in running our race meetings and specifically, our club day meetings.

Over the past 12 months we have noted a steady decline in official’s numbers to the point where we run the real risk of having to cancel a club day meeting due to not having enough people to organise and run the meeting.

This attrition rate is due to several circumstances which include people moving on to other fields of endeavour, several retirements  and other volunteers just "burning out".

The shortage of people willing to volunteer to help run a meeting is not limited to just our club.

Many clubs are having to cancel their club day meets, because of lack of officials and volunteers for much of the same reasons as above. We need to ensure that this does not happen to our club, by lightening the workload on our existing volunteers.

If you are able to assist in any way, we can guarantee that you will have a unique vantage point to watch the trackside action from very close quarters!

We need a starter, grid marshals, leading up to trainee stewards and Clerk of Course accreditation.

Assistance and training will be given to new volunteers.

Please have a think about these positions as they are rewarding and you would be doing a great service to your club.

For further information, please contact either Gary Haythorpe, John Wall or Stella Pringle.

Best Regards,
John Wall

Track Closed Wed 16th January

Members please note the track will be closed Wednesday 16th January 2019 until 12pm. Grass cutting will be undertaken during this time.

Track Closed - 21st and 22nd Sept.

The track will be CLOSED to all Members this coming Friday 21st September and Saturday 22nd September 2018.

  • Friday - CAMS Dare to be Different 
  • Saturday - Karting Australia Junior Sprockets

Re-opens 8am Sunday 23rd September 2018

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting of the Go Kart Club of Victoria will be held in the Clubrooms at Todd Road Port Melbourne on Tuesday 16th October 2018 immediately after the conclusion of the General Club meeting of the GKCV starting at 7.30pm.

Nominations from fully financial members are hereby called for the following vacancies:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 2 Ordinary Committee persons.

All nominations must be in writing and on the form provided. Nominations for positions will not be accepted unless signed by the nominee and member accepting nomination.

Please ensure your nomination reaches the Secretary – 1 Cook Street Port Melbourne 3207 - No later than 5pm, 5th October 2018.

Kart Mate Magazine

GKCV member Antonio Astuti has launched a new online karting magazine "Kart Mate Magazine".

The first issue is available as a free download which you can view HERE.

Follow Kart Mate Magazine via the following links:

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