GKCV Gold Cup 2023

Sunday 26th November 2023. Supp Regs.

Entries close 11.30pm Friday 24th November 2023.

Entries are now open on KOMP.


October Club Day

Sunday 15th October, 2023. Supp Regs

Entries close 11.30pm Friday 13th October 2023.

Drivers to enter on KOMP.

Please note date change for October Club Day. Was originally 29th October but was changed by Karting Victoria due to 4SS State Cup being held at Swan Hill Kart Track on that date.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting of the Go Kart Club of Victoria will be held in the Clubrooms at Todd Road Port Melbourne on Tuesday 31st October 2023 immediately after the conclusion of the GKCV General Club meeting of the GKCV starting at 7.30pm.

If you wish to nominate for a position at the club please contact [email protected] and request a nomination form.

Australian Kart Championship Round 5

August 24-27.

Provisional Entry List

August Club Day

Sunday 20th August.

Entries close 11.30pm Friday 18th August 2023.

Drivers to enter on KOMP.

Please note: Entrants in AKC Round 5 at GKCV on 24-27 August 2023 are not eligble for this meeting.

Four'N Twenty 37th City of Melbourne Titles

Four'N Twenty

4-6 August 2023

Entries now available on KOMP.

Entries will be only accepted to track capacity (36) in each class.

Supp Regs

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