Track Open Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May 2020

Practise will re-commence under Stage 1 Social Karting Rules as per Sup Regs approved by Karting Victoria via a registration system through GKCV Club Administration for GKCV members ONLY and at this stage only on weekends

You must completed the Karting Australia travel register and isolation form when you register with the club and provide a copy of the details on the day of Social Karting

Complete the COVIDSafe Declaration at

Registration for Social Karting will be via email ONLY from 12 noon Thursday 21st May 2020 at – [email protected]

Please indicate name / racing class / licence number and who you will have with you i.e. Pit crew etc.

Sessions will be conducted on both days from
8.30am – 12 noon and 12.30pm – 4pm

Please nominate which session you are after.

Due to restrictions spectators are not permitted

GKCV Track Re-Opening

With the Victorian Government Restrictions easing, Karting at the Go Kart Club of Victoria will re-commence as soon as approval is granted from Parks Victoria who own the venue.

Practise will re-commence under Stage 1 Social Karting Rules as per Supp Regs approved by Karting Victoria via a registration system through GKCV Club Administration for GKCV members only and at this stage only on weekends.

You must complete the Karting Australia travel register and isolation form when you register with the club. If you have not registered with the club or completed the travel form you cannot go to the track

Complete the COVIDSafe Declaration at -

Please complete the above form to be ready.

Full details will be supplied via email to all members once approval for track activities is granted.

Track Closed

Karting Victoria has been informed by the Victorian Government that effective immediately from today Saturday 28th March 2020 all kart tracks in Victoria must CLOSE.


The Go Kart Club of Victoria gate is now disabled - your access pass will not work

Rotax Pro Tour Round 1

As is tradition, the first round of the Rotax Pro Tour is set to hit our Port Melbourne circuit on March 21-22.

Members please note that March 14-15 will be a Rotax only test weekend. Entires also close on March 15.

February Club Day

The first round of the 2020 Club Championships kicks off on Feburary 23. 

Classes, format and the Supp Regs can be found on the Club Days page.

Track Direction

Members please note that the track is now in a clockwise direction ie: up the hill using the Full Track (including the clover leaf).

This layout will be used for the Gold Cup and the 4.5 Hour Enduro race meetings.

Full track layout including clover leaf

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