Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting of the Go Kart Club of Victoria will be held in the Clubrooms at Todd Road Port Melbourne on Tuesday 16th October 2018 immediately after the conclusion of the General Club meeting of the GKCV starting at 7.30pm.

Nominations from fully financial members are hereby called for the following vacancies:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 2 Ordinary Committee persons.

All nominations must be in writing and on the form provided. Nominations for positions will not be accepted unless signed by the nominee and member accepting nomination.

Please ensure your nomination reaches the Secretary – 1 Cook Street Port Melbourne 3207 - No later than 5pm, 5th October 2018.

Australian Kart Championship Round 5

The 5th and final round of the Australian Kart Championship will be held at the Go Kart Club of Victoria's Todd Rd circuit on August 31/September 1-2.

9 green plates are on the line as Australia's best battle it out.

Supplementary Regulations

34th City of Melbourne Titles

To be held on the 4th and 5th August 2018.

Entries close midnight Wednesday 1st August 2018.

Supplementary Regulations

Victorian State Championship Round 2

The 2nd and final round of the Victorian State Championship will be held this coming weekend 5th - 8th July 2018.

A reminder to members that the track is closed and will reopen on Monday 9th July.

Supplementary Regulations

May Club Day

May Club Day is on the 27th May. Please see the Supp Regs HERE.

Pre-entries on CMS close May 23 but you can also enter on the day up until 8am. 

Kart Mate Magazine

GKCV member Antonio Astuti has launched a new online karting magazine "Kart Mate Magazine".

The first issue is available as a free download which you can view HERE.

Follow Kart Mate Magazine via the following links:

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