Rotax Pro Tour Round 1

As is tradition, the first round of the Rotax Pro Tour is set to hit our Port Melbourne circuit on March 21-22.

Members please note that March 14-15 will be a Rotax only test weekend. Entires also close on March 15.

February Club Day

The first round of the 2020 Club Championships kicks off on Feburary 23. 

Classes, format and the Supp Regs can be found on the Club Days page.

Track Direction

Members please note that the track is now in a clockwise direction ie: up the hill using the Full Track (including the clover leaf).

This layout will be used for the Gold Cup and the 4.5 Hour Enduro race meetings.

Full track layout including clover leaf

Shamick Racing Enduro

Supp Regs are now available for the Go Kart Club of Victoria 4.5 Hour Enduro event being held on the 8th of December 2019.

Last years event was huge and featured some of the best racing drivers in the country including some of the current Supercar drivers.

There is a $5000 prize pool for TAG Senior thanks to Shamick Racing.

Keep up to date with all the information leading up to the event on the events Facebook page HERE

September Club Day

Entries for GKCV September Club day on Sunday 29th CLOSE Friday 27th at 12 midnight on CMS or enter on day till 7.45am.

Please note – the format for this event will be random draw for the heats – there is no qualifying

GKCV General Club Meeting – Tuesday 24th September 2019 starting at 7.30pm at Club Rooms

Track Closed

The track will be closed to all members over the following dates:

Friday 20th September 2019 - CLOSED
Saturday 21st September 2019 - CLOSED
Sunday 22nd September 2019 - CLOSED

Junior Sprockets and Dare to Be Different programs are being conducted at GKCV.

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