Partial Track Closure - Saturday 7th January

The track will be closed for private practice at various times this coming Saturday 7th January 2017.

7am to 11am & 1pm to 2pm – to enable necessary maintenance to be carried out

Rotax Pro Tour - January 26th-28th 2017

The first round of the Rotax Pro Tour will be held at the GKCV on January 26th-28th 2017 (Thursday - Saturday).

Entries are currently open on the KA:CMS and close 22/01/2017. Competitors wishing to enter also need to registered as part of the Rotax Pro Tour. This can be done on their website here.

Supp Regs are attached below.

Participant's Licence

Please find below information about Karting Australia's Participant's Licence – this is an essential requirement for all parents or legal guardians

As of January 1, 2017 all Drivers under the age of 18 will require their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) to hold a Participant's or current Karting Australia Driver's Licence.

The Participant's Licence will enable them to enter a Minor in a Karting Australia sanctioned Event and to apply for a Licence upgrade for the Minor.

The process to obtain a Participant's Licence is a very simple one, and there's no cost attached to it – it's FREE. Parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) need to visit to complete their application.

Once complete, the applicant will receive an email confirmation advising of their Identity number.

The Participant's Identity Number or a current Karting Australia Driver's Licence Number will be required to be entered in the Minor's licence record before that person can enter the Minor into an event or apply for an upgrade to the Minor's licence. This is completed by the Minor logging into the CMS and selecting "Add, Change Participant Detail" and then enter the Participant's or current Driver's Identity Number when requested.

Track Closed - November 11-13

The track will be closed to all members for private practice on Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November 2016.

Track will reopen for practice from 8am Monday 14th November 2016 in the Clockwise full track direction including the Clover leaf - as will be raced at the Gold Cup.

Track Closed - Friday 21st October

The track will be closed to all members for private practice this coming Friday 21st October 2016 – it has been booked for a private function.

Track Direction October and Annual General Meeting

Just a reminder the October Club Day on the 30th will be run in a Clockwise direction ie up the hill – the track has now been changed and practice is now available in this direction.

Annual General meeting of the Go Kart Club of Victoria will be held in the Clubrooms at Todd Road Port Melbourne on Tuesday 11th October 2016 immediately after the conclusion of the General Club meeting starting at 7.30pm.

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