Track Closed Nov 18 and 20

The track will be closed to all members for private practice this coming - Wednesday 18th and Friday 20th November 2015 for urgent track repairs

Track will be available for practice Thursday 19th and then from 8am Saturday 21st November 2015.

Gold Cup - November 28-29

GKCV's annual Gold Cup will be run on November 28 and 29.

Please make yourself familiar with the event format. Entries are open on the KA:CMS.

The Supp Regs can be downloaded below.

Note: Extra class has been added – Sportsman Restricted Super Heavy

Track Access November 7-8

Just a note to advise that Todd Road Port Melbourne will be closed this weekend to through traffic – access to GKCV will be allowed – just advise person on road block that you are going to GKCV and you be allowed through.

Please see the document below for full information.

Track Closed October 16

The track will be closed to all members for private practice this coming Friday 16th October 2015 - it been booked for a private function.

Track will re-open for practice 8am – Saturday 17th October 2015.

October Club Day

This meeting will be run in a Clockwise direction (ie up the hill). The track will be available for practice in this direction from 8am Saturday 17th October 2015.

Please find attached supp regs below.

Track Closed October 6/7

The track will be closed to all members for private practice this coming Tuesday and Wednesday 6th / 7th October 2015 – it has been booked for a private function.

Track will re-open for practise 8am – Thursday 8th October 2015

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