GKCV Committee 2014 / 2015

President John Wall
Vice President Geoff Willison
Secretary  Gary Haythorpe
Treasurer Stella Pringle
Committee Member John Pringle
Committee Member Luke Burt
VKA Senior Delegate Gary Haythorpe
VKA Co – Delegate John Pringle
Membership Secretary Sylvia Stania
Race Secretary Luke Burt
Track & Grounds John Pringle

Contact details for the committee members can be found on our Contacts page.

2014 President’s Report

I would like to thank my executive and Race committee for their support over the past 12 months. The committee have worked diligently and we have achieved positive results both financially and in the continued improvement of the club’s facilities and infrastructure.


Our membership base continues to be strong and I believe our numbers are more than holding its own, compared to other clubs.
One of our mission statements has always been to make new members feel welcome and help them assimilate into the club as smoothly as possible. We believe this is the main reason we lead other clubs in our attraction and retention of members. Our members are also well aware of the fantastic track layout and surface that they get to race on.

Financial Position.

Thanks to good financial management and business acumen of our committee, I am pleased to report that our financial position is strong and this enables the club to continue to both maintain and improve our facilities.
We generate income in many ways, which includes conducting successful race meetings, selling advertising and hiring the track for many outside promotional activities. The committee manages to do this without adversely affecting member’s use of the track. This reduces the need to increase membership costs excessively.
Our liabilities continue to be rental each year from Parks Victoria, and an interest free loan from the VKA which we are steadily whittling away. Of course we also have ongoing maintenance and repairs to buildings, the track itself and grounds.

Track and Infrastructure.

Improvements to the buildings and track continue and most members will have noticed the subtle improvements to the facilities. Our plans to resurface the track in November last year together with new kerbs materialised and we now have one of the finest surfaces of any track in Australia.
Other works included upgrading and improving our timing system, refurbishment of the toilet block, revitalised sound system and upgraded safety fencing - delivered as promised.

Race Meetings.

To ensure the long-term financial stability of the club, it is imperative that we continue to organise and conduct our open race meetings with the same degree of professionalism that we have achieved over past years. We are achieving this by training newer members to organise and run meetings, thus spreading the load and providing redundancy backup should key members be absent.
The Club’s ability to organise and conduct successful meetings is not lost on event promoters or KA officials alike. This almost guarantees that the club is never overlooked for open meetings.


I would like to thank all committee members and friends for their spare time and assistance in achieving the club’s goals and achievements.
I thank the members who gave of their time to assist the club in varying roles throughout the year. These roles included lap scorers, scrutineers, grid and scales marshals and track officials.
With Karting Australia’s new whole of sport review and its ramifications with eligibility rules and regulations, I am sure that the club will look after the rank and file of members with a steady transition over the next few years. Changes and streamlining needed to happen but we must ensure that no one is disadvantaged to an unacceptable level.
In closing I wish the incoming executive committee every success in maintaining the club and everything it stands for.

Yours Sincerely,

John Wall

GKCV Annual General Meeting 2014

The Annual General Meeting of the Go Kart Club of Victoria Incorporated will be held in the club rooms at Todd Road Port Melbourne on Tuesday 7th October 2014 immediately after the conclusion of the General Club meeting.

Nominations from fully financial members are hereby called for the following vacancies:

President / Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer and 2 or more Committee Persons.

Members wishing to place an agenda item for presentation to the meeting are to submit the matter in writing to the Secretary – 1 Cook Street Port Melbourne 3207 or email [email protected]

Please ensure your nomination reaches the Secretary No later than 30th September 2014 – forms are attached below

CIK Stars of Karting Entries Closing Soon!

Just a reminder that entries for the 5th and final round of the CIK Stars of Karting Series will close at midnight on Friday 5th September.

The event will take place on September 19-21.

See you there!

Whole of Sport Review - Questions and Concerns

As you are aware a report has come out from Karting Australia in relation to the long term future of Karting in Australia – below are the links to these documents.

All members are asked to read these and if they have any questions or concerns about recommendations made please forward these to – [email protected] by Monday 1st September 2014

We will then collate them & forward to the VKA.

Todd Road Closures

As part  the Port Capacity Project at Webb Dock, works along Todd Road have been scheduled to commence the conversion of the existing roundabouts to fully controlled intersections this weekend.

This will involve a number of night and weekend works including the closure of Todd Road.

Please find attached below some detailed information about the works. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the Project’s 24/7 number 1800 451 056.

Members will have access to the Club – please advise Traffic Controllers that you will be accessing the Go Kart Track and they will allow you through.

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