Victorian State Championships - Track Access

Victorian State Championships - Track Access

Please find a link below for a flyer from Vic Roads regarding road closures and access to GKCV this weekend for Round 2 of the 2015 Victorian Kart Championship

Additional signage will be displayed so that participants can access the track. Traffic operators will be informed of our meeting this weekend and will assist where possible.

Please inform Traffic operators you are going to the Go Kart Track and you will be let through any closures.

Karting Theft

Could members please keep an eye out for these karts and trailer. If you see this trailer on the road or come across these karts please contact the police.

My Son & I are members of the GKCV and are both keen competitors at club level. Karting is a fantastic sport to participate in with your child, especially during teenage years when spending time with your parents is not high on the agenda for most kids.

Unfortunately our time in the sport may have ended because our trailer containing both our karts and absolutely everything we own was stolen from our factory in Hallam on Easter Sunday. It is looking highly unlikely that our insurance will cover them.

Following details might be relevant.

Paul McBeth V4868
93 Tag Heavy & Tag Masters
2013 FA Kart 30mm Blue Chassis No. BY64956
IAME X30 Engine No. B1401
Custom stickers – Marvel frozen chips
Transponder – 5324476

Daniel McBeth V4406
41 Junior National Light
2007 TonyKart Green Chassis A879941
IAME KA100 Engine No N37AU01 (used once)
Standard Tony Kart stickers
Transponder 2409076

Trailer was a large white single axle enclosed trailer with side that opened up entirely. Rear door had “The body Shop paint supplies” sign writing.

Needless to say we lost all our gear including helmets, suits gloves, trolleys, spare X30 engine, all my tools, axles, hubs, all our tyres, snipers etc etc
Also our licences and fob pass to the Todd Road gate were in the trailer.
Any assistance to recover things and keep us karting would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Paul McBeth
0417 116 775

Entries Close Tonight

Entries Close Tonight

Entries for Round 2 of the Victorian State Championships were extended until tonight. If you were looking to enter but missed the original cut off date you can still get in.

Supp Regs and Addendums are attached below.

Track Closed From April 10th

Please note that the track will be closed to ALL members from 6pm Friday 10th April 2015.

This applies to all members and not just entrants in the Victorian Kart Championship.

Track will re-open to members Monday 20th April 2015.

Victorian State Championships - Round 2

Victorian State Championships - Round 2

Just a note to advise that entries for Round 2 of the Victorian Kart Championship at GKCV on the 17th, 18th & 19th April 2015 close this Friday 10th April 2015. Enter online HERE

Please note the race format for this event has changed from two heats and a final to 3 heats and a final – Practice and race timetable to be advised after close of entries. 

Supp Regs and addendum are attached below.

General Meeting Cancelled

GKCV General Meeting on Tuesday 7th April 2015 has been cancelled – next General meeting date to be advised.

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